Saturday, November 24, 2007

What Is Down Syndrome?

Down Syndrome is the most common form of intellectual disability. The Child with Down Syndrome has an extra chromosome - 47 instead of the standard 46 chromosomes in each cell. This results in learning difficulties, speech delay, floppy muscles and increasesd susceptibility to certain illnesses such as heart, vision and respiratory problems.

In every 660 babies is born with Down Syndrome, this figure is not influenced by race, color, culture or climate. However, there is increased risk of Down Syndrome to babies born of older mothers. A children with Down Syndrome is a slow learner and would need to be educated as early as possible. The specialized education that children with Down Syndrome need is known as Early Intervention. This service is available at the KIWANIS DOWN SYNDROME FOUNDATON which admits children from 0-6 years old.

The KIWANIS DOWN SYNDROME FOUNDATION is a non-profit organization with tax-exempt status. It relies totally on public donations to fund its operations, so guys, if you got extra cash and no idea what to do with it, you should do some charities stuff like donates some to those who need, and it will definetly increased your karma, isn't a double god like situation where you help people and help back yourself?

By the way, currently it cost the Kiwanis centre RM300 per month to educate EACH child. School fees are substantially subsidized by Kiwanis Centre. They even have begun with an Adopt-A-Child Program to obtain sponsors for education of children from the most needy families.

Last but not least, those who wants to help out but having difficulties on donating to Kiwanis, actually they also welcome volenteer to help the Centre up by working with the children or maybe some others stuff, if you guys interested, this is the info:-
Lot 13490, Jalan Jenjarum, Off Jalan SS23/1, Taman SEA, 47400 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan. (it just behind to the BP & Petronas station that located @ Bandar Utama). Phone: 03-78030179. Fax No: 03-78064862. Email:

Anyway, I've just made a visit to Kiwanis Down Syndrome weeks ago, here's my entries of the visit enjoy...

And yea, there's a lot of things that money can buy, but a visit at Kiwanis, PRICELESS!!:P

Friday, November 16, 2007

Contact me when you're free!